Let us reintroduce ourselves....

We are JP Collaborators – your ultimate collaborator in time redeeming in all things, small business, non-profit, and project managing.

We're not your average run-of-the-mill assistants.

We're the dynamic, resourceful, and tech-savvy go-getters that will help you conquer your business challenges with a smile on our faces and a spring in our step! We kindle the spark within leaders and visionaries like you to convert dreams into realities.

We believe in the potency of partnership, the vitality of vision, and the capacity of collaboration to craft the future. Our virtual collaborative services are tailor-made for small businesses and non-profits that are driven to achieve their ultimate goals. Our services will shape the trajectory of your success story.

Who we think you are...

Visionaries: Individuals who see beyond what's in front of them. You dream big, creating innovative ideas and plans for your small businesses or non-profits. You have clear goals and aspire to make their mark in their industry.

Entities that we engage with are primarily helmed by strong leaders, like you, who set the tone and direction for their teams. You inspire others through your actions and drive initiatives forward.

You understand the power of teamwork, appreciate the role of every member in your teams, and are always looking for ways to make their collaborations more effective and fruitful. You value partnerships that enhance their capabilities.

You are an action-oriented individual who see challenges as opportunities for growth. You possess an analytical mindset, working through complexities to find the most efficient solutions.

 You are not satisfied with maintaining the status quo. You always looking for ways to make a positive impact on their communities, stakeholders, and industries.

Dynamic Entrepreneurs:
You adapt with agility, absorbing the ever-changing business environment, and pivoting their strategies as needed for sustainable growth with no fear of change.

Through collaboration with JP Collaborators, you procure the opportunity to better focus on your primary roles — steering your organizations towards success and creating impactful changes

You are also...

You are a genius with a vision who needs their genius time back.

An entrepreneur with a 10 and 20 year plan who is ready to expand.

You are the nonprofit worker who has a dream to change the world and its time to rally the troops. 

We understand if you may have doubts or fears. Are we the right team for you? Will our collaborative partnership add value to your business? 

Our approach is reassuringly simple: your success is our success. And we strive relentlessly to ensure that our alliance translates to your success because we believe that empowering you empowers us.

Let's take the story of Flipping Brick by Brick, a small organization with a shining vision but struggling with execution. By forming a collaboration with JP Collaborators, they unlocked their true potential. We became their trusted guide, their strategy concierge, their resource curator. And together, we turned their vision into a scalable reality.

Well, how about it???

Ready to Collaborate? Send us a a message and our team will be in touch so we can start redeeming your time!